Design gallery

An assortment of design

Neumorphic Music

In this design I wanted to explore what functional Neumorphism might look like. With a well balanced color palatte and subtle highlights and shadows, a 3-dimensional feel is achieved. A design aesthetic that blends the digital and analogue worlds.

Click for a high res view

Clean Plate Club

My family loves to cook. The problem with loving to cook is keeping recipes. This multicolored stack of papers, of varying size and age, can be difficult to manage at times and difficult to read, depending on the recipe's age.

The Clean Plate Club prototype is one part meal planning tool, one part recipe search engine that analyzes all major search engines, and one part recipe management tool.

In addition to beautiful color gradients and a generally soft feeling design, animated transitions have been added to elevate the user experience. In this example the transition speed has been slowed from 300ms to 600ms to show detail.